The aim of this program is to help girls who stopped school and put them back into education.

Young girls are suffering in silence because of dropping out of school due to early pregnancy caused by rape, lack of school fees or lack of feminine sanitary products.

In February 2017, our Founder/CEO visited Uganda and Rwanda, and during her visit in Uganda, she had a private conversation with one young girl called Precious who became a street girl because she had failed her exams after missing school many times when she had her monthly period.

“I didn’t have even a piece of cloth to use during my monthly period” Said Precious. “And I even didn't tell my mother that I wasn't in school, because I was forced to use banana fibre so that I can’t miss school” she added.

Precious had to use banana fibre or papers from her books in place of a sanitary pad and she never went to school during her monthly period because she feared to be humiliated of soiling herself with blood on her school uniforms.

During the days of her period, she would go and stay with her friend who spent her time at the farm chasing away the birds from not eating the rice at the field.

After hearing this touching story, our Founder decided to start a program called “Get her back to school”, for young teenager mothers, girls who stopped going to school because of lack of sanitary pads and girls who stopped school because of lack of school fees.

“Most of these girls have big dreams and a smart brain!” Said the Founder.

This program provides school fees, school uniforms and school materials to the girls who are going back into education. The organisation provides feminine sanitary products throughout their education.

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