Our mission is to fight for period poverty for young girls in schools and relief of unemployment by providing small loans to women who have constructive visions and ideas of businesses.

We do believe that women contribute a lot to the society. Supporting girls in education is the first key to success in life, and our focus is to provide feminine sanitary kits to the girls who are less fortunate in Primary and secondary schools.

Our aims and Objectives:
- To fight for period poverty and promote the welfare of girls during their education.
- To relieve poverty and financial hardship in rural areas in Africa and support unemployed women to sustain their lives.
- To provide free legal advice and assistance to women in UK who are on low-income by supporting them to develop their talents into starting small businesses and help them increase their income.
- To promote the importance of education by helping girls in Africa who dropped out of school and take them back into education.
- To encourage people in the UK to raise awareness about period poverty by donating feminine sanitary products to their local Food Banks or their local super stores.
- To provide trainings and workshops about menstrual hygiene management and its maintenance.

Our purpose:
To promote the welfare of less fortunate girls and women.

Our vision:
To see every girl in education having access to sanitary products during their monthly period.
To see more women into work environment.

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